Beautiful Teams coming into the home stretch

Beautiful Teams cover

We’ve gotten more than a few e-mails from readers wondering where we went. First of all, don’t worry – Jenny and I are still around! We’ve just been working overtime on our latest book, Beautiful Teams (here’s the Amazon page for it). It’s coming out well, and we’re really excited about it.

Beautiful Teams is a new kind of book for us, because it’s the first time we’ve done more editing than writing. We brought in a great team of guest writers and thinkers, people we really respect and whose work we’ve been big fans of over the years: Scott Berkun, Karl Wiegers, Karl Fogel, Johanna Rothman, Barry Boehm, Steve McConnell, Grady Booch, James Grenning, Cory Doctorow and a whole lot more. A good portion of the book will be stories from their careers, which was a big departure for us: it was as much about creative writing (helping our authors make the stories fun to read) as it was about software engineering. And in addition to the stories, Jenny and I have been doing interviews with some of these great thinkers, and I’m extremely happy about how they’re coming out. We’ve put a lot of effort into finding people who are thoughtful and knowledgeable, but also really good at talking about what they do and how they think. All in all, it should be a very unique and fun to read book.

Oh, there’s one more thing I want to tell you about the project – actually, my favorite part about it. We’re donating almost all of the royalties to PlayPumps International, a truly wonderful charity that digs wells to deliver clean drinking water to rural schools and villages in sub-Saharan Africa. If you haven’t heard of them, take five minutes and watch this piece that Frontline did on them.

I’m sure we’ll give you plenty more details about it as time goes on. In the meantime, hopefully we’ll be able to post a little more here for you!

Writing about software

Jenny and I are at the tail end of our fourth book, Beautiful Teams, and it’s really coming out well. We’ve put together a team of authors who’ve got some really fascinating stories about building software. Each of them has written a really compelling story from his or her past career. We’ve got people writing about all sorts of industries, and running into (and, in most cases, overcoming) a lot of different kinds of problems. All together, the collection is starting to paint a picture of what it’s like working in software.

One thing that I thought would be hard about this project was the coaching. These are software people, after all, not creative writing people. We have a few veteran authors on the team, but we also have a lot of people who hadn’t really done a lot of writing. And the authors themselves, in a lot of cases, were just as apprehensive as we were. It seemed like most of the people we worked with knew they had a good story to tell, but were worried about whether or not they could really tell it well enough.

It turned out that we didn’t have anything to worry about. I was very impressed with how well everyone “got it”. We put a lot of effort into selecting people who had a good story to tell, and it only took a small amount of guidance to help the authors tell them. Even people who hadn’t really done a lot of writing before really took the time to flesh out the characters, give us all the conflict, and really draw out the stories to make them fun to read.

Another thing that Jenny and I really wanted to do with Beautiful Teams was to put storytelling ahead of teaching. There are plenty of books that will teach you about building software. And we knew that there would be a lot of good lessons about software in the book. But our goal wasn’t a book that you could pick up and suddenly do your job better. The goal was to put you in the shoes of someone who’d been there before. Or, even better, we wanted to put you in the shoes of someone who was in a really interesting situation. Or a really bad, or even unimaginable, situation. We wanted to show you teams that were great to work on, and teams that, despite being awful, managed to muddle through. Or didn’t.

We’d never done anything like this project before, and we when we started it, we weren’t sure if we’d end up with engaging stories, or if we’d just get people writing about their boring projects from work. We were lucky. It turns out that on most memorable software projects, there’s some interesting drama: a bad boss, a deceitful or weird coworker, a serious and last-minute crisis that needs to be dealt with, a loud and unreasonable client. And it’s those very things which made the projects interesting that make the stories interesting to read.

At the beginning of the project, I was worried that people who wrote good software might not necessarily be good authors. But they really took to telling their stories. A lot of the authors told us that it was actually cathartic to get their stories on paper, and most of them really seemed to enjoy doing the project.

To me, the best part of the project is the fact we’re having royalties from the book donated to PlayPumps International. It’s a great charity that came up with a novel way to provide clean drinking water to rural villages and schools in South Africa. If you haven’t heard of them, I highly recommend watching this Frontline segment about them.

I’ll post again once the project is done with details about the stories. (We’re still getting the last ones in, so it’ll have to be a surprise for now!)

Head First C# – the top-selling C# book on Amazon!

C# bestsellers on Amazon 14-Mar-2008

Remember back in January, when Tim O’Reilly blogged about great Bookscan numbers for Head First C#?

Well, Bookscan numbers don’t always match what you see on Our intrepid little book has been clawing its way up the sales ranks. It was in the #2 position on the C# bestseller list for the last month. But when I checked a few minutes ago, it was at the top of the list!

This is a huge deal for us — it’s definitely a high-water mark for the book. And what’s really cool is that Head First C# is picking up steam. Its Amazon sales rank was under 500 all day yesterday, which means that it was one of the top 500 books sold by (Not the top 500 tech books — the top 500 books.) Typically, books sell the most in the first few months, and Head First C# had a strong start out of the gate. But one of our friends at O’Reilly let us know a few days ago that we’re selling better than ever (when you discount the backorders that had to be filled, which always skew the first month’s results).

And Head First PMP is picking up steam, too! It’s been holding onto the #2 spot for PMP exam prep books, and it’s really been gaining over the last few months.

Now, Jenny and I aren’t all about sales. But we are all about helping people learn, and we see these numbers as a real win.

Head First C# details on Amazon 14-Mar-2008